At Agritechnica ADR Group will show for the first time in public the new family of its brakes "HP Series". They are certified for speed up to 40 km/h, maintenance is reduced to a minimum and they can be combined with wheel rims of a diameter between 17 and a half and 30 and a half inches.
Superbrakes for Supercapacities
It will be a particularly varied stand that in Hannover will host the 2024 news developed by the ADR group, brakes and suspensions of new conception designed based on that philosophy summarized in the slogan "reduced maintenance" that the Lombard multinational has placed at the base of all its most recent projects. Obviously prevent that brakes and suspensions are completely free from maintenance is impossible because are components subject to wear.
Replacements without adjustments
The investments advanced by the ADR Group in terms of R&D and the collaborations with the most quoted Italian and European universities have made it possible to really minimise the need for intervention, arriving with the new brakes called "HP Series" to allow the replacement of the blocks without having to rectify the braking masses. The brakes, initialled "406HP" and "3412HP", approved with self-adjustable levers, boast double-ribbed jaws, in terms of planning derived from those of industrial brakes, but which retain the adjustment of the positions of the braking masses relative to the drum of agricultural brakes, peculiarity that combining with thicknesses of the insoles higher than the standard category ensures at the same braking groups a longer life. Heavy – flow ranging from 93 to 130 quintals, the new brakes also allow the manufacturers of agricultural trailers to obtain rapid European type approvals, resulting also characterized by a high cheapness of purchase induced by their design concept. Homologated for speeds up to 40 Km/h, can be combined with wheel rims with diameters between 17 and a half and 30 and a half inches, perfectly aligned with those trends of sector that want to continuously increase the dimensions of the trailers wheels, the capacities and the speeds.
In line with the latest regulations
These are concrete needs which respect is made more challenging in design and construction terms from the always greater rigour of approvals and by the need to guarantee safety and performance even when the brakes are subjected to intensive uses such as those referred to look at the new "HP" groups 340 and 406mm in diameter x 120 wide. Also worth mentioning among the new products is the brake "410E" which comes from a total overhaul of the "408E" brake aimed at giving life to one completely original solution, thanks to much superior performance, longer lifespans of the logs, and reduced maintenance needs and therefore of a marked and superior aptitude for demanding uses combined with a decidedly competitive price/performance ratio.
Brakes used in agriculture have larger dimensions and braking capacity contained compared to industrial ones. The brake shoe support it is also generally made up of a plate welded onto the axle which it also serves as a brake protector. In the industrial brakes instead being the greater the braking capacity, the brake support is engineered specifically, and the protection plates are external elements. The new brakes series "HP" resume the setting and power of the industrial ones but combining such qualities the facility of recording of the blocks typical of the agricultural brakes.
Simples, reliables and competitives
Agriculture and animal husbandry are changing, but the needs of farmers and breeders in terms of machinery are not changing. Robustness and reliability have always been essential contents, but never as today such prerogatives are also combined with the need to minimise maintenance downtimes and investment costs. Four seemingly contrasting inputs between them, but that at the level of agricultural trailers the ADR group is managed to reconcile by planning a new suspension called "Alpha" whose official launch will take place at Agritechnica 2023.
Conceptually simple in construction and made based on the "Teknoax" axles, the group proposes itself as a solution with wheels connected to the axles linked to the trailer frame by means of a rigid steel and transverse stabilizer bars. The wheels are controlled by hydraulic cylinders and have widths of 25 cm, three to four times greater than those granted by hydraulic suspensions on the market. Ideal for equipping trailers intended to move on very uneven terrain, the "Alpha" are available in two models with different capacities, 15 or 18 tons, with constructive solutions of equally different detail. The 15-ton model is characterized by maintenance requirements close to zero thanks to the presence of joints made with synthetic kneecaps free from lubrication, solutions that on the larger capacity model have been replaced by traditional kneecaps in the light of the increased stress. Common instead the possibility of aligning the wheels simply by rotating the central body of the stabilizer bar and the possibility to freely position the side cylinders so that don’t obstruct the tyres. The assembly solutions proposed by ADR to manufacturers should also be emphasized. They can order the suspensions in kit to combine them to eventual "Teknoax" axles already to warehouse or to order pre-assembled suspensions so to minimize the job of installation on the machines. Two possibilities that contribute to achieve a value for money that promises to be very competitive.